Sultan Agung Career Center Unissula

Sistem Pengelolaan Pusat Karir
Sunday, 05 Jan 2025
Logs & Walker founded in late 2018, start from a small discussion between the founder to create integrated consulting service and IT solution to help our client to colaborate more in this fast, rapid-changing business environment. We believe that supply chain function will be ultimate supporting function to deliver great product, connecting company with its stakeholder and creating collaboration between party that previously never happen. With this fast-growing technology era, its easy to find a solution to our needs, but on the other hand, its very hard to find the solution that match with our problems, challenges, and strategy. Logs&Walker stand to craft a supply chain-taylor made solution for our client to ensure they have a Strategy to overcome their challenge, a Solution to execute their strategy, and a trusted Partner for colaborate and make things happen.

Jl. Basuki Rahmat no.27 Kerten Surakarta - Kota Surakarta Jawa Tengah 57143 Indonesia
Kota Surakarta , Jawa Tengah
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