Sultan Agung Career Center Unissula

Sistem Pengelolaan Pusat Karir
Sunday, 23 Feb 2025
PT. Batang Alum Industrie
We are a leading manufacturing of artificial sweetener in Indonesia since 1973. Our products are Sodium Cyclamate and Sodium Saccharin that provides the most economical way to reach a high level of sweetness in your products. We are located in Batang-Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia. Our Sodium Cyclamate production capacity can reach up to 4.800 MT per annum and Sodium Saccharin can reach up to 600 MT per annum. We care to provide for our customer the best quality of our products.

Jl. R.E. Martadinata no.520
Kabupaten Batang , Jawa Tengah
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